
All teachers are members of Centrum pro Mindfulness, association of certified teachers of mindfulness-based programmes. The association itself is a member of EAMBA, European Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches.

Václav Šmilauer

Václav Šmilauer

Václav was trained in a certified MBSR teacher training (organized by the German MBSR-Verband and Institut für Achtsamkeit) and is a founding member of the Czech Centrum pro Mindfulness. He is a certified Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) facilitator and MBSR supervisor (Mindfulness UK). He teaches courses in Czech, English and German.

He is a long-time Vipassanā meditation practitioner in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition, in 2017 he was authorized to teach vipassana by Ajahn Tong, abbot of the Chom Tong monastery. He co-founded the Tisarana meditation center in Prague and runs the vipassana.sk project together with Katarína.

He started the relapse-prevention online group brzdíme.cz.

Katarína Bírešová

Katarína Bírešová

Katarína is certified MBSR teacher trained by Mindfulness UK in the United Kingdom. She is a certified Hatha Yoga teacher trained in Rishikesh, India, and certified MBRP facilitator. Katarína teaches in Slovak, Czech, English.

Her professional background is mental health (Psychiatric Hospital Bohnice, Prague) and neuroscience nursing (National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London). She currently works as an addiction therapist.

She is a long-time insight meditation (Vipassanā) practitioner in the Mahasi Sayadaw lineage in Thailand. In 2016, she was authorized to teach Vipassanā by Ajahn Tong, abbot of the Chom Tong monstery, Thailand. She is running the vipassana.sk project.


Should you have any questions or want to register for a course, you are welcome to contact info@lessstress.cz or use the form below (don’t forget to write your contact). You can also call +420777576180.


Subscribe to our newsletter, sent a few times per year (these are all past newsletters sent) — you will be informed about planned courses. Alumni from MBSR can traditionally join the day of mindfulness mini-retreat of all future courses.